Custom Metaverse for your
Web3 Project

Designed and created to your exact needs using Gather.Town. Everything is possible: Community spaces, Dev Team offices, Hackathons, Events, and more! You even get data about your space from Gatherlytics.

Our Work

Custom Metaverse

A digital Home that works for your Project

Iterative development, from blueprint sketch to walkable prototype, to finished product, ensures we meet your functional and aesthetic goals.

Token Gating

Utility for your tokens and NFTs

Using Lit Protocol different areas of your space can be token-gated. That way, you can ensure private office areas for your core team or hangout events that are only open to community members with a specific POAP.


We are Metaverse Ninjas

We have been designing and building custom metaverses since before Zuckerberg made the term mainstream. Not only do we know everything there is to know about it, but we are also official Gather Ambassadors and have a direct line to their team.

The Team

We are a group of Game designers from Sweden that are taking our talents to the metaverse

Get Started

Let's get started building a custom metaverse for your Web3 project!

© Komponent Works AB - All rights reserved.

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Book a Call

If you can't wait to get going (or for us to follow up with you), go ahead and book a design briefing meeting right here, right now!

© Komponent Works AB - All rights reserved.